Last week I developed ideas for my front page and double page spread; my first idea for the front page changed part of the way through the week, so I made another flat plan with my new idea on it.
I also did my schedule, treatment and photo-shoot plan to plan what I am going to do, when I am going to do it and what I will need in order to carry it out.
This week I need to complete:
- Flat Plan for front cover/double page spread and rationale
- Start to create my article
- Start to create layout on InDesign
- Do photo-shoot
How I will do this:
- Book a session in the photo studio, and recruit people to model for me.
- I need to prepare my models and ideas ready for the photo-shoot... plan; make-up, angles, clothes, lighting beforehand so it's all ready and also I am going to do some 'tester' make-up/photo-angles at home, so that I know what works and doesn't work before the actual photo-shoot.
- Use the softwares to create my article/InDesign layout.
Specific Skills Needed:
- Photography Skills
- Photoshop Skills
- InDesign Skills
- Face-painting Skills
- Staging of shoots Skills
- Photo-shoot:
- Models might not turn up
- They might not be wearing suitable clothing
- Setting up might take too long and not leave much time to take the photos
- Camera could run out of charge
- Photos may come back blurred
- Props disappearing
- Equipment failure
- Not having a tripod
- Post Production:
- Memory sticks getting lost/corrupting
- Computers crashing and losing unsaved work
- Fonts from 'DaFont' not being installed on C drives
- Running out of time and not having the software to finish at home
- Doing work at home and not being able to use it at college because the software compatabilities aren't right
- Losing vital files such as articles or photos etc...
- To make sure that things like this don't happen I will have to make sure that:
- I have backup models
- Have spare clothes just in case
- Do all make-up and planning of the set up beforehand so that I can go straight in, set up the lights and get on with it
- Spare batteries/spare camera
- Take a few photos of the same pose, so that I can choose the best one
- Bringing spare props/keeping them safe
- Knowing that there's spare equipment
- Send someone to go and get a tripod/improvise with a table etc
- Saving work in more than one place every time
- Saving work as you go along/save different copies so if the computer does crash you only lose what you have done since your last save
- Installing fonts as you upload them
- Try and keep to schedule/using the library to finish work- not home
- Save your work in a compatible file
- Making various copies of your vital files in different places.
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