43221 Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College

Monday, 28 March 2011

Production Blog - 28th March

Progress:I finished my front cover on Photoshop (updates shown in the post below) and made final layout ideas on how my double page spread should look.
Everything went to plan because I managed to finish my front cover, and that was the aim of this week. Everything went to plan so there was no need for contingencies.

I needed Photoshop skills to complete to work that I did last week.

Targets:This week I need to complete:
  • Layout of my double page spread on InDesign
  • Inserting of my photos and article on InDesign
  • Editing and setting out everything on the page on InDesign
  • Finalising front cover and double page spread

I will achieve this by working during the lessons, during lunchtimes and after college to make sure that everything is finished, I will need Photoshop and InDesign skills.

I'm not really that confident using InDesign as I haven't really used it much before, therefore I may encounter problems because I wont be able to do some of the things that I want to. Therefore I will have to make sure that I ask other people/teachers how to do certain things if I can't do them to make sure that I would get completed on time.

Double Page Spread Progress:

Front Cover Changes:

Font Download (Final Project)

Used this font for 'face' in the title of the article, it's bold and fun which fits in with the target audiences interests. 

Monday, 21 March 2011

Production Blog - 21st March

Last week I started putting together my front cover on Photoshop, and I also did further developments to my article for my double page spread. 
It's been a little bit of a challenge using Photoshop to do my front cover and progress has been slow, but I'm getting there and everything seems to be going alright. But I will need to start working faster because there's still a lot to do- finishing article and doing double page spread on InDesign.

I encountered a problem where some of my text layers on Photoshop had rastarised and I couldn't edit them, so unfortunately I had to delete the layers and start doing them over again. 
Also when I added the barcode to my front cover, it was a '.jif' so it only showed up as one image but it was actually 2 which flicked between one another. Therefore I couldn't edit it, so I had to delete it and find another one which was a '.jpeg' so it was editable. 
I have learned how to do more things on Photoshop, and learned how to overcome problems and achieve the same result.
(Images below updated throughout this week, to show the gradual development of the front cover.)
Front Cover 1st Draft- after roughly putting together my front cover and experimenting with lots of colours, I decided that using a separate colour for each sell line and enigma was too chaotic. Although they gave the right connotations for the mood of the article they were representing, the cover looked too mis-matched and there was no structure to it. Therefore I developed a '3 colour' colour scheme, this way the whole of the front cover was integrated and made sense, it also matched and meant that the different aspects of the front cover flow better together.  
Front Cover 2nd Draft- After developing my colour scheme it was much easier to make everything match and lay it out in a way that made sense. I used different opacities, colours, fonts, coloured outlines to the text to make each one different and stand out from each other. I also made the masthead much larger than it was before, this meant that it catches the audiences eye easier and doesn't get lost among all of the other text on the front page. 
I also added a price, a website and a date underneath the masthead, this gives it an additional professional feel to it because may magazines have aspects such as these on their front cover. A banner has also been added at the bottom of the front cover, it has another image on it do act as a different sort on enigma to get the audience interested in what is in the magazine. This makes the magazine look more professional because it doesn't just look like only text has been added, and also because it's been rotated it makes the front cover more visually engaging because everything doesn't follow the same gradient.
Front Cover 3rd Draft- in this draft there's nothing changed apart from the lightbulb. I changed the exposure to make it look like the lightbulb is turned on to give the image more life because then it's not all the same exposure.
This is the final draft that I have done of my front cover, I decided that the enigmas and sell lines were all too big and there wasn't enough variation in the sizes. I look at the fronts of some magazines and saw that generally there's many sell lines and enigmas, and they're all quite small, but because my target audience are teenagers and big-bold-bright things capture their eye I didn't want to reduce the sizes too much. Therefore I made the 'How long have we got left?' smaller, and added in an 'Exclusive!' sell line, therefore I reduced the sizes to make it look more professional but also didn't lose touch with my target audience.


  • Finish front cover on Photoshop
  • Write more of article
  • Begin double page spread on InDesign
I will achieve this by continuing to write my article at home, and also by getting more time to edit by using my frees to get things finished- therefore I won't be rushing it in the lessons.
I will have to develop InDesign skills, and use them appropriately when making my double page spread. 


  • I might encounter some problems with creating my double page spread on InDesign, and I would have to ask my teacher for help with some aspects of the software. 
  • I could experience some technical difficulties, therefore while I am doing my work I will save it in different places every 5 minutes or so. That way if anything goes wrong I won't lose a lot of work. 

Font Download (Final Project)

Used for the masthead of my front cover, it's slightly 'futuristic' looking which fits in with the focus of the magazine 'GENERATION' because it's all about the upcoming generation.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Production Monitoring Blog - 14th March

Last week I started to write my article, developed my layout ideas for my double page spread and carried out my photo-shoot. 

Photo-shoot- My photo-shoot went well, I managed to get all the pictures that I needed and all of my models turned up. I was a little pushed for time with painting the faces because some of my models were late, therefore I showed one of them how to do it so that everyones faces got painted quicker. This meant that everyone was done on time for the photo-shoot, but that the faces were a little mis-matched because we both had different techniques, this doesn't matter though because each face is individual anyway. 
During my photo-shoot I learned how to position lights to get light/shadowed effects, I also learned the best angles for taking pictures to portray the feeling that you want to portray.

(Head-shots of the pained faces, with the 'flood' engulfing the land.) 

I made sure that I did all of my ideas, so that if I changed my mind about which photos I wanted to use, or where they're going to go, I wouldn't have to do another photo-shoot. Therefore I would save time on having to book out and prepare for another shoot, I would already have the photos available to me.

This week I need to complete:

  • My article
  • My layouts for my front cover
  • Start putting everything together
  • Make final decisions on fonts and enigmas/sell-lines etc...
  • Make sure that all Pre-Production work is complete and in my file
How I will achieve this:
  • I need to refer to my research and make sure that I take a suitable angle for my article
  • Lay out my front cover and double page spread on Photoshop and InDesign
  • Insert photos and begin to add text etc...
Specific Technical Skills:
  • Photoshop skills
  • InDesign skills
  • English/communication skills
On Tuesday of last week, during the lesson all of the power cut out, my memory stick was still in the computer and I had been working on documents off my memory stick. Luckily I had been saving my work as I went along, and I didn't lose anything.

Problems that I might encounter:
  • Might not be able to do something on Photoshop/InDesign, therefore I will have to find a tutorial that does what I am trying to do and follow it.
  • My article might not be interesting/suitable for the target audience, so as I am writing it I will get people from the target audience to read the drafts and give me feedback.
  • I could suffer some technical difficulties, so I must make sure that I save various copies of my work in different places, so that I always have back-up files of my work.

Monday, 7 March 2011

Production Monitoring Blog - 7th March

Last week I developed ideas for my front page and double page spread; my first idea for the front page changed part of the way through the week, so I made another flat plan with my new idea on it.
I also did my schedule, treatment and photo-shoot plan to plan what I am going to do, when I am going to do it and what I will need in order to carry it out.

This week I need to complete:

  • Flat Plan for front cover/double page spread and rationale
  • Start to create my article
  • Start to create layout on InDesign
  • Do photo-shoot
How I will do this:
  • Book a session in the photo studio, and recruit people to model for me.
  • I need to prepare my models and ideas ready for the photo-shoot... plan; make-up, angles, clothes, lighting beforehand so it's all ready and also I am going to do some 'tester' make-up/photo-angles at home, so that I know what works and doesn't work before the actual photo-shoot.
  • Use the softwares to create my article/InDesign layout. 
Specific Skills Needed:
  • Photography Skills
  • Photoshop Skills 
  • InDesign Skills
  • Face-painting Skills
  • Staging of shoots Skills
  • Photo-shoot:
    • Models might not turn up
    • They might not be wearing suitable clothing
    • Setting up might take too long and not leave much time to take the photos
    • Camera could run out of charge
    • Photos may come back blurred
    • Props disappearing
    • Equipment failure
    • Not having a tripod
  • Post Production:
    • Memory sticks getting lost/corrupting
    • Computers crashing and losing unsaved work
    •  Fonts from 'DaFont' not being installed on C drives
    • Running out of time and not having the software to finish at home
    • Doing work at home and not being able to use it at college because the software compatabilities aren't right
    • Losing vital files such as articles or photos etc...

  • To make sure that things like this don't happen I will have to make sure that:
    • I have backup models
    • Have spare clothes just in case
    • Do all make-up and planning of the set up beforehand so that I can go straight in, set up the lights and get on with it
    • Spare batteries/spare camera
    • Take a few photos of the same pose, so that I can choose the best one
    • Bringing spare props/keeping them safe
    • Knowing that there's spare equipment
    • Send someone to go and get a tripod/improvise with a table etc

    • Saving work in more than one place every time
    • Saving work as you go along/save different copies so if the computer does crash you only lose what you have done since your last save
    • Installing fonts as you upload them
    • Try and keep to schedule/using the library to finish work- not home
    • Save your work in a compatible file
    • Making various copies of your vital files in different places.